Who we are in the matter (of what we do)
KRW provides engineering as well as architectural services to industrial users who are concerned about how taking on a construction event impacts their business. They may be frustrated at the design process, worried about how to best manage costs, down-time.
KRW also designs wood structures-buildings and supports the prefabricated wood truss industry in both design and software development. Clients are typically concerned about overall quality, reliability of the truss-designs; often worry about clarity of installation or are frustrated by often complex applications.
Using the human and technical resources within the above competencies, KRW also provides a unique capacity to innovate in design, construction-product development.
What you can count on us for
In every endeavor, we provide clarity in a context of performance. As communication is the key to managing projects on behalf of our clients we are well known for the integrity required to execute accordingly.
On an ongoing basis we are a resource for people who are responsible for owning, managing, repairing, designing buildings and structures of great variety, function.
Some of our clients
General ElectricSun Chemical
The Lenny Szarek Company
Clearspan Structures
Quality Craft